Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas at the Frasiers

So we started out our Christmas at Michelle's parents house and we experienced almost 2 feet of snow in one day. So much so that it buried our car. I will show you a picture. We were happy to spend Christmas Day with my family and we even got to see Allyson usher in her 11th birthday. She is getting so old. We love you sweet girl. I hope that you all had an awesome Christmas. We then left the day after Christmas to join Joel's family for the New Year. We are driving so it takes a real long time to drive. We got stuck in traffic that day for about 3 hours. Lydia did awesome she only fussed for a total of 30 minutes the whole trip. So we are here at the Leineweber's ushering in the New Year. Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Forgot the pictures

Baking cookies

So today I decided to celebrate my last day of work by baking cookies. So I asked my friend Tara to help so we started making cookies. She left at 3 and I decided to keep baking so I decided that 7 hours of baking cookies is enough for me. Here is the mess and then the cookies afterwards. It was mostly fun!!!

Saturday, December 06, 2008


Well last night Joel and I had the awesome opportunity to go to a Casting Crowns concert. It was the best concert we have ever been to. They were joined by Avalon, Michael English,and a bunch of other people and it was one of the best dates we have had ever had. Also Lydia started to say Mommy and UH OH. SO I am going to post a video of her trying to crawl on a box and then pretending to fall off. It was very cute. She seems to grow up so fast.