Friday, March 07, 2008

room time

So this Monday, I was thinking that every time I take Lydia into her room to put her to bed she starts to cry. Well I wanted her to enjoy her room so I decided to give her some room time. So I opened some toys that she got for Christmas and sat her down in there and let her play away. She played in her room by her self for about 20 minutes before she wasn't amused anymore. So every day in the morning we have had some room time. It doesn't always last for 20 minutes but long enough for her not to hate her room. Wednesday I had to go for my teeth cleaning and my friend Lauren came and watched Lydia for me and she did great. She didn't fuss only once while Lauren was here and that was a great thing. See she is going through stranger anxiety and we are trying to let other people hold her and love on her and take her away from us so that she doesn't cry with everyone. So she is getting better and tonight Joel and I are going on a date and she is staying with Lauren again.